Emma Watson launched HeForShe's Impact 10x10x10 at the World Economic Forum in Davos,Switzerland on Jan. 23,2015

IMPACT 10X10X10 will seek to engage governments, corporations and universities to generate long-term change for women.
At a press conference held this morning, British actress and activist Emma Watson spoke eloquently and passionately about her hopes and dreams for the new initiative.
The UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador delivered a moving speech in September to announce the HeForShe campaign, which was watched over 11 million times and sparked 1.2 billion conversations on social media.
The Harry Potter star stated that she has been stunned by the response.
“I couldn't have dreamed it, but it has happened... thank you so much for your support,” she stated.
The 24-year-old outlined the plans for IMPACT 10X10x10, and what it hopes to achieve.
“It’s about engaging governments, businesses, universities. Having them make concrete commitments to gender equality.”
“I want to hear from the human beings that are behind these organisations. I spoke about some of my story in September, what are your stories?”
“Girls who have been your mentors, parents did you make sure you treated your children equally, if so how have you done it?”
“Husbands have you been supporting your female partners privately so that she can fulfill her dreams too?”
“Young men, have you spoken up in a conversation where a woman was degraded or dismissed. How did this affect you? How did this affect the woman you stepped up for?”
Businessmen have you mentored, supported or engaged women in leadership positions?”
“Writers, have you challenged the language and imagery used to portray women in the media?”
“CEOs, have you implemented the women’s empowerment principles in your own company - what change have you seen?”
“Are you someone that has been persuading men to become HeForShe collecting signatures for our website. How many have you got? We want to know. We want to hear from you.”
Watson revealed that while the feedback she has received has been resoundingly positive, she is aware that both men and women aren’t sure how exactly they can help.
“Men say they've signed the petition, what now? The truth is - the ‘what now’ is down to you.”
“What your HeForShe commitment will be is personal, and there is no best way. Everything is valid.”
“Decide what your commitment is, make it public, and then please report back to us on your progress, so we can share your story.”
Speaking about the personal impact that the HeForShe campaign has had on her, Watson was visibly moved.
“I’ve had my breath taken away when a fan told me since watching my speech she has stopped herself being beaten up by her father.”
“I’ve been stunned by the amount of men in my life that have contacted me since my speech to tell me to keep going, and that they want to make sure that their daughters will still be alive to see a world where women have power and equality, economically and politically.”
Watson concluded her speech with a call to action.
“It is my belief that there is a greater understanding than ever that women need to be equal participants in our homes, in our societies, in our governments, and in our work places.”
“They know that the world is being held back in every way, because they are not. Women share this planet 50/50 and they are underrepresented, their potential astonishingly untapped.”
“IMPACT 10X10x10 will bring HeForShe into its next phase.
Watson said she had been overwhelmed by the messages of support she had received since speaking at the launch of HeForShe – a UN campaign that attempts to include men in the battle for gender equality – in New York last September. In that speech she extended a “formal invitation” to men to participate in the conversation about gender equality in a “uniting movement”.
She told Davos:
I’ve been stunned by the amount of men in my life that have contacted me since my speech to tell me to keep going, and that they want to make sure that their daughters will still be alive to see a world where women have power and equality, economically and politically.
The actor spoke passionately about a fan who told her that since hearing her speak she had been able to escape the cycle of her father’s violence.
I’ve had my breath taken away when a fan told me since watching my speech she has stopped herself being beaten up by her father. We are tapping into what the world wants: to be a part of change. Now we have to channel that energy into purposeful action.
Watson ended her speech on a mobilising and positive note. “It is my belief that there is a greater understanding than ever that women need to be equal participants in our homes, in our societies, in our governments, and in our work places,” she said.
“They know that the world is being held back in every way, because they are not. Women share this planet 50/50 and they are under-represented, their potential astonishingly untapped.”
Watson was joined by a panel including UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, who emphasised Watson’s appeal to men to be key to influencing the fight for gender equality.
“HeForShe has signed up fathers who want to raise empowered daughters; leaders who know their societies will be stronger when there are as many women in parliament and in business as men; and ordinary people who are fed up with violence and discrimination against women – and want to be part of a global force for change,” he said.
The initiative was attended by prime minister Stefan Löfven of Sweden, UN executive director of UN Women Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, president Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Paul Polman, CEO and Chairman of Unilever.
sources: /text:independent,the guardian/photos:heforshe,twitter/video:youtube
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